Bill Peterson ~ CLIO winning director/cinematographer, photographer
So Peterson Galleries is a place long thought of and a happily growing reality. Here I get to display my take on the world about me; to explore the camera's ability to snatch an instant from the flowing torrents of time. Some of the images are brand spanking new, some old and now restored to new again. Once film, now digital, there’s new life in my Ektachrome, Kodachrome and Tri-X negatives!
Tools--and digital is a brand new tool--give us new ability to create. Not willing to forsake the sense, sensibilities and methods of my film world past, I think maybe I'm something different, a new traditionalist, perhaps. At the same time I'm fascinated with complete control of each of my pixels. That's a trade up from the silver on celluloid that once danced to the delights of lens light.
Got Wall? Can I make an image that speaks to you enough that it'll hang at your house, at work, your mountain cabin, beach house or yacht even? Any wall is great as long as it’s one of my images that get to greet you every day. I figured out a little while ago, that makes me pretty darn happy. Do I like seeing my images in magazines, shining forth from your portfolio, gracing a travel brochure, glowing on internet screens, and melded into films? Well, yes. But these are all mostly fleeting and your wall is a place of honor and inclusion. I think that’s maybe picture heaven, the special place.
So that's where I am for now. I'm excited to set up these galleries, and there’s a bit of a first dance aura to it for me to be able to hang the images for all to see and I hope you'll be kind enough to comment if you find any especially attractive. Wait … I think that's the band tuning up, would you care to dance?

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